You are obliged to attend all blocks in which this course is given in order to obtain the ECTS.
You will find the ECTS for this course at the course description of – Part Two.
An MA thesis can be a study of material culture, a study based on fieldwork or laboratory research or a literature study. However, in all cases, it will not suffice to give a description of the data studied. The student will have to show that he/she realises how the research is positioned in a broader field, what the taphonomic and methodical problems are which may perhaps be attached to the research, and will have to go into the theoretical and/or methodical perspectives that can be linked to the research problem.
independent planning and execution of archaeological research under supervision and to report on it in accordance with scientific standards of the research field. The student shall show the ability to independently collate, analyse and interpret research data (from an excavation, laboratory, or own research), by using specialist literature and theoretical perspectives which are current in the research area in relation to the specific research. The aim of the MA thesis is to learn students how to write for (and speak to) a scientific audience. In essence the MA thesis ought to be fit for publication.
Content Thesis:
c. 20000-30000 words, figures, tables and reference list (40-60 pages); but excluding appendices. The length of the thesis is not a norm in itself. A high quality thesis can be short; a sizable thesis is not a guarantee for success.
More information on writing your thesis, forms and criteria is on the archaeology website: