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Egyptology in the field: Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo



For the most recent update of the timetable click here.


Lectures, tutorials and site visits.

A la carte- en contractonderwijs

Not applicable.


Paper, journal, oral presentations and various research assignments; general participation.


Contact the Leiden coördinator Prof. dr. J. van der Vliet.


Not applicable.


A course of eight consecutive weeks that is taught at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) and on various locations throughout Egypt. It usually includes: (1) a brief introduction to everyday life in Cairo; (2) an introduction to the practical aspects of research in Egypt, including work in museums and scholarly institutes;(3) the in-depth study of a selected number of archaeological or monumental sites, some of which will be visited during excursions.
A detailed programme is usually available in or around May. More information will be provided during a meeting with the tutor, Dr. I. Regulski, some time before the start of the programme (date and place to be annnounced).

Below a provisional overview of the 2009 programme (25 October until 23 December 2009):

Week 1 (25/10-31/10):

  • Introduction to the programme, short acculturation course (by T. Mulder en A. Keizers) and orientation tour around Cairo (by A. Abdel Moneim).

  • Welcome party on the rooftop of the institute.

  • Distribution of the paper and presentation subjects.

  • Visits of other institutes and libraries (ARCE, DAIK, IFAO, SCA, etc.), as well as practical information concerning book shops, etc.

  • 2-day Delta Excursion (Tell ed-Daba, Tanis, etc., overnight stay in Ismailiya)

Week 2 (01/11-07/11):

  • Special course Egyptian Arabic in 5 days.

  • Introduction to modern Egyptian society, visit to Fatimid Cairo.

  • Continuation of visits to other institutes and libraries

  • Seminar on the archaeology of Abusir.

  • Excursion to Abusir and Memphis.

Week 3 (08/11-14/11):

  • Seminar on the Archaeology of the Sudan.

  • First assessment and discussion of the museum assignments.

  • Excursion to Saqqara.

  • Preparation for the following excursions.

Week 4 (15/11-21/11):

  • 3-day Excursion to the Wadi Natroen, Abu Mina, Temposiris Magna and free visit to Alexandria (overnight stay in Alex).

  • Seminar on the origins and early development of the Egyptian writing system.

  • Excursion to Helwan.

  • Excursion to Coptic Cairo.

Week 5 (22/11-28/12):

  • 3-day Excursion to Fayum (Tebtunis, Hawara, Narmouthis, Karanis, etc. overnight stay in Medinet el-Fayum and the village of Tunis).

  • Preparation Middle Egypt trip.

  • Eid el-Adha (all institutes will be closed).

Week 6 (29/11-05/12):

  • Cleveringa workshop on Seals and Sealing Practices from Ancient Times till Present Day. Developments in Administration and Magic through Cultures.

  • Preparation Middle Egypt trip.

  • Departure to Middle-Egypt.

Week 7 (06/12-12/12):

  • 7-day Excursion to Middle-Egypt (Herakleopolis/Fraser Tombs and Tihna, Beni Hassan, Zawiyet el-Meitin, Hermopolis, Tuna el-Gebel, Amarna, Asyut, Meir, etc.).

Week 8 (13/12-19/12):

  • Writing of papers/museum assignments.

Week 9 (20/12-23/12):

  • Presentation of the paper/museum assignment in the Cairo Museum.

  • Submitting the papers.

  • Goodbye party.


  • Registration via U-twist does not suffice.

  • Applications have to be submitted well in advance, preferably in May, to the Leiden coördinator, Prof. Dr. J. van der Vliet.