You are obliged to attend all blocks in which this course is given in order to obtain the ECTS.
You will find the ECTS for this course at the course description of – Part Two.
Admission requirements
BA in archaeology or related subject
In a tutorial students gain practical experience by partaking in current research programmes of the two participating laboratories. It is also possible to bring in material from a region or period that is pertinent to the subject of the MA thesis of the student as long as it deals with research questions focused on technology and use. There is a choice of three tutorials. In the tutorial Use Wear and Residue Studies, the biography of objects made of flint, hard stone, bone, shell and other materials is documented and interpreted, making use of microscopic and analytical techniques. The tutorial Lithic Analysis centres on the identification of raw materials, the reconstruction of reduction sequences and the evidence of the life history of stone objects like flint tools, querns or ornaments. The tutorial Ceramic Studies aims at explaining the craft of pottery by studying the relationships between technical, functional and scientific aspects of ancient pottery. It comprises the analysis of the production sequence, and deals with such questions as how to recognise and define production centres, production organisation, pottery traditions and the history of traditions. Students who focus their MA thesis on the above described aspects of artefact study, will be asked to regularly report on their progress and partake in a general discussion.
Learning objectives
To learn and apply skills of artifact analysis pertinent to archaeological research questions
Method of instruction
Individual tutoring and self study. Participation in the discussion sessions of the tutorial.
Short 3-4 page paper discussing the findings and their relevance for the research question
Required reading
A reading list will be distributed upon the beginning of the class depending on the tutorial chosen