In this seminar we will discuss a selection of topics that are relevant to understand the current economic developments in Russia.
Students will also have to write and present a study, individually, on a current issue in Russia.
A handout will be provided at the first meeting.
Method of Instruction
See below.
Course objectives
At the end of this seminar students have to be able to understand and explain, in economic terms, a number of selected issues that shape the Russian economic environment. They also have to improve their ability to independently study and report (in writing) on the Russian economy.
Required reading
Reader with papers, to be announced
Written paper and presentation of this.
Contribution to discussions and quality of the discussion questions
Information Kort
Class meetings are the forum of shared communications
On a (bi)weekly basis, we will discuss current issues in the economy of Russia. Study material will be compiled from recent publications in academic journals and will depend on the selected issues. Students will have to introduce the topic of the week and formulate discussion questions.During the term, under individual supervision, the student will prepare a paper on a single issue and will present that paper at an end of term mini-conference.