In this course we examine the structure of words and sentences by looking at the structure of a wide range of languages and the practical analysis of the word structure of these languages. We train the basic principles of morphological and morphosyntactic analysis.
Maandag 11-13h
A la carte- en Contractonderwijs
Niet beschikbaar voor A la carte- of Contractonderwijs.
At the end of the course, students will be able to undertake morphological and basic syntactic analysis of a given data set and they will be able to interpret or reason out whether or not certain analyses are correct.
Aronoff & Fudemann 2005 What is morphology? Blackwell
Van Valin & LaPolla 1997 Syntax CUP. (partly)
weekly exercises, analysis of a data set, written exam
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Overview – General introduction and discussion on morphemes and allomorphs; roots, affixes and words. – ‘item and arrangement morphology’: discussion on morpheme sequencing and the problem of ‘portmanteau’ morphemes. More on types of morphemes: roots, stems and words. – Derivation versus Inflection. Stem extension and word derivation, nominalization: cases from Cushitic and Bantu languages. – Reduplication and compounding. Morphological theory and representation. – Basic syntax: Consituents. Arguments, diathesis – Sentence types including nominal sentences, simple sentences, questions, relative clauses, complex sentences and their connections; complementation. – Remaining issues.