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Research Seminar: Burial and Society in Near Eastern Prehistory - Second Year


Admission requirements:

Reseach Master registration


This course will present the student with the available evidence for burial practices in the prehistoric Near East. The course will take the stduent into the practicalities of research, including methodology and interpretation of the avaialble archaeological record. Case-study material will focus on Neolithic burials from Syria, with particular reference to the Tell Sabi Abyad Project.

Learning objectives

  • Has detailed knowledge of burial practices in the Neolithic Near East, on the basis of the assigned literature, lectures, assignments and discussions;

  • Has detailed knowledge of the relevant literature, including current debates and the archaeological approaches;

  • Is able to critically assess current research and literature and to voice one’s well-argumented opinion;

  • Is able to process archaeological data and tp apply theoretical models.

Method of instruction

Formal lectures, reading of relevant books/articles; individual assignments, and discussion on the basis of these assignments.


Active participation in class discussions; reading of assigned literature; quality of written assignments.

Required reading

The reading list will be given to each student prior to the beginning of the course.