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Anthropology of Muslim Societies


Since more than four decades anthropologists are engaged in the study of Muslim societies. Recently anthropological perspectives have become prominent in studies of the Muslim world. According to Edward said they might serve as an antidote against essentialist and static views of older “orientalist” approaches. This seminar aims to give an overview of anthropological studies of Muslim societies, both contemporary and historical. This means that also books of historians who use an anthropological perspective will be subject of analysis.

Starting point is the seminal essay by Clifford Geertz, Islam Observed (1968). Following his lead, the comparative study of Muslim societies is understood to be central. The first meetings are dedicated to a general introduction to anthropology, its theories, concepts and methods. Special attention will be given to combination of the study of written sources with fieldwork. The different styles of report and writing ethnographies will also be analyzed. The anthropological approach itself is also subject to scrutiny, by placing it in its social and historical context, in which the colonial past looms large.

The second part of the seminar is focused on a systematic comparison of two regional traditions in which anthropological approaches have especially flourished: Morocco and Indonesia. Through the comparison of monographs from both regions on related issues, such as religion, social structure, urban culture,gender, politics and the public sphere, pilgrimage and sacrifice, important themes in anthropology will be addressed. Every student is required to study one anthropological monograph in detail by analyzing it in an extensive essay.


For the most recent update of the timetable click here.


  • A sound overview of important anthropological studies of Muslim societies, especially on the Maghrib and Indonesia, and its main issues.

  • An introduction to anthropological theories and methods relevant for the subject.

  • A critical reflection on the history of the anthropological approach to Muslim societies by analyzing its social context.


A full program together with a list of readings will be available at the beginning of the course. Some of the readings will be made available as xeroxes.

All students are required to study the following three books:

  • Geertz, Clifford; 1968, Islam Observed. Religious Development in Morocco and Indonesia, New Haven & London: Yale University Press

  • Monaghan, John & Just, Peter; 2000, Social and Cultural Anthropology. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press

  • Rabinow, Paul; 2007 (orig. 1977), Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press
    Thirtieth Anniversary Edition with a new preface by the author


  • Attendance at all seminar meetings and active participation in the discussions.

  • Weekly reading notes to be handed at the beginning of the meeting.

  • Oral presentation, with handout, of assigned general readings.

  • Oral presentation, with handout, of a particular monograph.

  • Paper about a monograph on the anthropological study of Muslim societies and its place in the oeuvre of the author and in the field. The paper should contain about 6000 words and should be presented in a printed form, with 1.5 interline, to be handed in on 2 June 2009.


The final mark is composed of 30 % for participation, reading notes and presentation of general readings; 20 % oral presentation of the monograph; 50 % final paper.


Registration via U-twist.