The Master’s thesis consists of the following parts:
a comprehensive study of literature, elucidating the background of the project and defining the scientific problem, hypothesis and the aim of the project (part I)
the written report of the research project (part II)
an extensive discussion of the obtained results, reflecting the scientific problem, hypothesis and the aim of the project and suggesting further lines of inquiry (part III)
Learning to write a thesis on a research project at the academic Master’s level. In writing the student should demonstrate his or her:
*advanced knowledge and indepth understanding of this particular research field, thus providing a basis for originality in developing and applying ideas; *ability to integrate knowledge and to handle complexity; *ability to clearly communicate conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underlying these conclusions, to specialist audiences.
The Master’s thesis consists of the following parts:
*a comprehensive study of literature, elucidating the background of the project and defining the scientific problem, hypothesis and the aim of the project (part I) *the written report of the research project (part II) *an extensive discussion of the obtained results, reflecting the scientific problem, hypothesis and the aim of the project and suggesting further lines of inquiry (part III)
Independent writing of a thesis with guidance and corrections by the scientific supervisor(s) and by Communication in Science tutors.
Part I and III are assessed by the supervisor, who proposes marks for both parts to the Examination Board. The Master’s thesis (part I, II and III) is also assessed by the tutors of Communication in Science (CIS). To calculate a final mark, the individual marks for part I, part III and CIS are weighted at 60%, 30% and 10%, respectively. The mark for part II is included in the assessment of JRP2.
More detailed information on the assessment can be obtained through the assessment forms available through LUMC’s educational webpages.
Toegangseisen/gewenste voorkennis
Mandatory Master courses, Junior Research Project 1 and 2.
The Master Thesis is subject to the Procedures Training Periods/Research Projects. Please consult LUMC’s website for more information. Please also check the following document on Blackboard: Role of ‘Communication in Science’ (CiS) during the Master’s Biomedical Sciences.