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Kazakh Language


This course aims to provide students with advanced understanding of contemporary Kazakh grammar, skills to interpret 20-21 century texts in Kazakh and communicate in Kazakh at an intermediate level.
Kazakh language belongs to the group of Turkic languages and represents the national language of one of the biggest Central Asian states with rapidly developing economies and international relations.
Good, or at least, intermediate level of knowledge of Turkish or any other Turkic language is critical for being able to follow this course.


For the most recent updates of the timetable, click here


The course is structured to consist of interactive sessions requiring students’ active participation in theoretical consideration of Kazakh grammar, its specific features in comparison with other Turkic languages, and practical application of the acquired knowledge to the translation of written texts and in conversation.
Sessions will be divided between Reading-Translating and Listening-Speaking parts and contain a) parts dedicated to the explanation of grammatical themes with exercises, b) reading and translation parts focusing on cases of application the grammatical rules-in-question, c) exercises aimed at the expansion of active vocabulary, d) practice of pronunciation and conversational skills. Students will be required to do weekly assignments according to the schedule set by the tutor.
The course is based on 4 sessions weekly. Each session starts with a 10-minute briefing from the tutor dedicated to selected issues of Kazakh grammar, language use and styles. In the next 30 minutes students try the acquired information in practice. The final 5 minutes are planned for summarising the main principles and cases of their application.


Preparing students to B1/B2 levels according to European Standards in reading and spoken interaction according to Common European Framework. This implies: 1) for reading: understanding “texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language, as well as the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters” (B1 Reading) or, more: “reading articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints” and understanding contemporary literary prose (B2 Reading); 2) for spoken interaction: ability to “communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities, and handle very short social exchanges” (B1 Spoken Interaction) or, more: ability to “interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible; take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, account for and sustain the speaker’s views” (B2 Spoken Interaction).


Will be announced


Attendance, Presentation and Participation (50%)
Mid-term and Final Tests (50%)


By the tutor: Dr. Z.-A. Auezova




Good, or at least, intermediate level of knowledge of Turkish or any other Turkic language is critical for being able to follow this course.