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Workshop 2


Admission requirements

Only for studens of the masters’ programme in Film and Photographic Studies
Workshop II can only be followed by students that have completed Workshop I.


Meiselas: Project-based learning. Students prepare a concept, content and model based on photographic documentation, either originated or archival. Encouraging cross discipline thinking, interacting with institutions and colleagues and engagement with the subject is a major focus in the workshop. Students in this manner become acquainted with the notion of ‘collaboration’.
Vroege: Curatorial and Editorial Practice (CEP) introduces students to the current documentary practice of museum curators, exhibition makers, (on-line) magazine and book editors in the field of photography and film with a broad eye on multimedia installation, e-publishing and technology in the evolving digital landscape. Practical knowledge will be gained through interim projects and assignments, focusing on photographic documentation, either originated or archival, narrative structures and presentational forms. A collaborative workshop will encourage cross discipline thinking and engagement with subject. Meetings with photographers, curators, designers and funders will provide insight into diverse aspects of curatorial work in a variety of platforms and media (museums, internet, book production, mobile devices) focusing on the curator’s many but integrated tasks.

Course objectives



Mode of instruction

Group guidance and individual supervision; Seminars and workshops
Development of a multiplatform documentary projects are the subject of seminars taught by Bas Vroege, leading to a project application based on the principles of the NL based Mondriaan Foundation (exam, 4 ECTS). Module ends with workshop # 3 (Meiselas) focusing on collaboration (sharing the power) in documentary practice (1 ECTS).

Assessment method

Meiselas: A series of sequenced photographs and text or sound fully presented in design suitable for projection, publication or presentation in an exhibition space.
Vroege: ?


Reading list

Meiselas: Depending on the chosen topic.


Via uSis.

Contact information

Bas Vroege
