
nl en



The language of this course is English.

The knowledge students have obtained during previous courses within the SSA minor is varied and diverse. This course integrates and applies he different theories, approaches, and methods from SSA.

The Integration course at the end of the Minor is designed to help students to synthesize SSA knowledge and skills. In addition The course is designed to assess the student’s ability to integrate and apply knowledge on SSA and to test their ability to apply SSA skills effectively, within the context of a real world case.

Education method

  • Lectures

  • Group discussions

  • Participation in a SSA game (‘Secure Haven’)

Dag: maandag
Week: 45 t/m 1 (geen onderwijs in week 51 en 52)
Tijd: 9.45 – 12.30 uur
Zaal: 13.43 Benoordenhout (Stichthage)

Examen in week 2, maandag 10 januari 2011 van 9.45 tot 12.30 uur.

Students are assessed by:

  • written assignments

  • game participation