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European Cultural Policy


Admission requirements



Europe is an old cultural idea but culture is a relatively recent prerogative of the EU, embedded originally in the article 128 of the Maastricht Treaty (1992) that created a legal basis for specific cultural programs and actions and reappeared in the recent Lisbon Treaty (2009) as article 167. Initially, EU concerned itself with the circulation of commercial cultural goods on the open market. The explosive growth of cultural industries prompted the EU to use UNESCO’s legal framework against the liberalizing pressure of the WTO in order to protect its own audiovisual industry. At the same time, EU has been seeking ways to engage in symbolic building of Europe for its citizens and the rest of the world and to carefully introduce a cultural dimension in its emerging foreign and security policy. Even before the 2004 Enlargement, EU structural funds have been dedicated, among other purposes, to the upgrading of cultural infrastructure. This course will explore the cultural facets of the European integration process, from indirect regulation to cultural actions and programs and more recent ambitions to articulate a transversal European cultural policy.

course objectives



See Timetable

mode of instruction


assessment method




reading list



Enrollment via uSis

contact information

