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European Neighbourhood Policy


Admission requirements



In 2004 the EU launched the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in order to deepen and strengthen the relations with neighbouring countries. It is an overarching policy that includes both the Southern and the Eastern neighbours of the EU: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. The goal of the ENP is to achieve stability in these states. Many of them suffer from internal and inter-state conflict and more often than not, these countries play a crucial role in the many fields that used to be the object of ‘soft’ security: illegal trafficking of various kinds, organized crime, terrorism, abuse of the environment etc.’ The EU wants to encourage stability in its neighbouring area, in order to prevent ‘spill-over’ of instability into the EU. The ENP aims to achieve this stabilisation by promoting economic, political and social reforms in the countries falling under its scope. The ultimate goal is to create a ‘ring of friends’ at the borders of the EU.

Since its inception the ENP has evolved further, partly in response to the criticism that it was not effective and that more differentiation between the Southern neighbouring countries and those in the East was needed. Under the French presidency the initiative was taken to develop under the umbrella of ENP a special framework for the relations between the EU and the countries across the Mediterranean: the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Following this initiative, in 2008 the Eastern Partnership was launched, again within the framework of ENP, meant to intensify the links with the EU’s neighbours in the East.

course objectives

The aim of this course is to offer the students insight into the ENP in general, its evolution since its inception, the main goals and policy areas of ENP and its effectiveness. Also the place of ENP within the wider framework of the EU’s external policies will be discussed during this course.


See Timetable

mode of instruction


assessment method




reading list



Enrollment via uSis

contact information

