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Tutorial Latin: Ovid, Metamorphoses



This tutorial is open for all students of the MA Classics and the ResMA CLANEC.
Interest in reading Latin verse, especially Ovid, and sufficient experience in Latin language and metrics, is required.
Students interested in this course are asked to indicate their interest with an email to dr Christoph Pieper not later than August 15th, 2011 in order to facilitate the practical organization of the course. The regular way of enrolement (via uSis) must also be used.


Reading several selected passages of the “Metamorphoses”, different approaches to the text are presented and studied exemplarily (e. gr. narratology, intertextuality, linguistics of the text). In the second part of the course, the methods studied before shall be applied to further passages of the narrative by the participants themselves and used for interpretation. According to the importance of metrics, a short repitition can be given at the beginning, if needed.
Each participant should have a complete Latin text of the “Metamorphoses” in a critical edition ( W. Anderson, Bibliotheca Teubneriana, or R. Tarrant, OCT).
A list of the passages to read during the course shall be given in andvance.


  • Skills: Training of philological methods, insight in the complexity of interpretation just of ancient poetry and into necessity of combining several approaches to a text for adequate understanding and appreciation.

  • Knowledge: Ovid’s position in the context of the Graeco-Roman literary kosmos.
    Ovid shall be shown as writing “intertextually” to a high degree and as crossing the genres of ancient literature.


Important: The turorial will be offered as a compact course within two weeks with meetings every day.


Tutorial with regular meetings.


In addition to regular participation and preparation, each participant has to work on a passage of the “Metamorphoses” of his/her own. The mark is based on either presentation plus handout during the course (second week; passages to be agreed in advance) or a paper (max. 10 p.) written afterwards.


Yes, see Blackboard.


Each participant should have a complete Latin text of the “Metamorphoses” in a critical edition,

  • W. Anderson, P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoses, Stuttgart 1991 (Bibl. Teubneriana), or

  • R. Tarrant, P. Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoses, Oxford 2004 (OCT).

Commentaries (in the UB):

  • W. Anderson, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Books 1-5 (1998) / Books 6-10 (1978)

  • F. Bömer, P. Ovidius Naso Metamorphosen, Kommentar, Heidelberg 1969-2006.


Via uSis


dr. Christoph Pieper for all practical information before the course starts.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Busch


The tutorial will be offered in a compact form (2 weeks with meetings every day).