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Internship clinical child and adolescent studies


NB Language of instruction is Dutch.

Admission requirements

For clinical internships it is advised to first follow the courses Clinical assessment and treatment: general introduction and Clinical assessment and treatment: clinical skills. For students who will meet the criteria for a diagnostic registration in their internship this is required. See for detailed information the ‘Stagenota’ on blackboard (Stage orthopedagogiek).


An intern’s activities in practical placements should focus on the work of Clinical Child and Family Studies (Orthopedagogiek). These activities can involve diverse fields, such as:

  • intake and diagnosis, identifying and planning interventions;

  • training and carrying out various forms of interventions;

  • planning assistance globally and team supervision;

  • encouraging professionalism;

  • policy.

Course objectives

The general objectives of an internship are:

  • Integration of knowledge and skills in research and practice previously acquired in course work, in particular in realistic work situations;

  • the acquisition of further relevant knowledge and skills, and insight into practical situations in the field of work;

  • intensive acquaintance with a relevant field of research or work;

  • learning to function independently and responsibly in an organisation (professional attitudes);

  • gaining insight into one’s own potential and limitations, both with regard to skills and with regard to personal functioning.

Achievement levels: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19.


Meetings for interns are planned during the workday and are planned by the university supervisor. Supervision from the university begins in September and February.

Mode of instruction

The internship is supervised by a supervisor at the internship organization and a university supervisor. The internship starts with an orientation phase, followed by phases of deepening and development of self-reliance. The student attends regular meetings at the university with fellowstudents and the university supervisor, in which the student’s development as a professional and personal experiences are the main topics. In this context several specific assignments are given.

Assessment method

Half-time evaluation: qualitative evaluation per internship objective, based on a report written by the student and a written evaluation (form at the blackboardsite ‘Stage Orthopedagogiek’) of the supervisor of the internship organization.

Final evaluation: determined by the university supervisor, based on:

  • student report

  • qualitative evaluation of the supervisor of the internship organization (form at the blackboardsite ‘Stage Orthopedagogiek’)

  • the student’s participation in the internship supervisiongroup, quality of the student’s presentation and assignments.


During this course Blackboard is used.

Reading list

Information on the most frequently asked questions regarding internships, such as the internship memorandum, the internship contract, conditions and requirements regarding internships, etc., can be found under the heading Course

Documents, in the course description ‘Stage Orthopedagogiek’ on Blackboard. This information is regularly updated.


Registration for the internship is required. When an internship situation is found the student sends an e-mail to the general internship co-ordinator. Deadlines are June 25th for internships starting in September and December 1st for internships starting in February. The following information is requested: student’s name and number, name and address of the organisation, name and qualifications of the organisation’s supervisor, period for which the internship will run. If the requirements for the diagnostic registration will be met during the internship this is also mentioned. Failure to register in a timely manner may mean that supervision by the university can not be guaranteed, and the student may have to be assigned in the following round.

Contact information

General co-ordinator is drs. S. Richter.