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Spanish - Beginners


Admission requirements

There are no prerequisites for this course.


This course aims to bring beginners up to a standard where they can communicate and understand information and ideas in Spanish. The course is organised around interactive and communicative activities that will allow students to build all skills in the most effective way. Class proceedings will focus on submerging students in real-world Spanish language.
The course aims to develop language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Grammatical structures and vocabulary will also be integrated into the learning process in meaningful contexts. Furthermore an important aspect of the course will be the cultural knowledge about Spain and Latin America, with a strong emphasis on intercultural communication.
The content of the course is based on coursebooks together with supplementary material prepared by the instructor and significant material on the Internet.
A substantial amount of independent study will be expected: several hours a week should be devoted to Spanish outside the classroom to complete work set by the instructor and practice reading, listening and writing skills.

Course objectives

This course aims to develop competency in spoken and written Spanish to a standard that enables the student to communicate effectively and confidently with Spanish native speakers and sustain, to some extent, a work or study placement in a Spanish-speaking country.

By the end of the first semester students will be able to:

  • Understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (Common European Framework of Reference A2 level for ´Understanding – Listening´);

  • Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background (CEFR A2 level for ´Speaking – Production´);

  • Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities (CEFR A2 level for ´Speaking – Interaction´);

  • Understand texts that consist mainly of high-frequency everyday or job-related language (CEFR B1 level for ´Understanding – Reading´);
    Write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate need (CEFR A2 level for ´Writing´).


Please see the LUC website:

Mode of instruction

Communication in Spanish will be encouraged from the outset and classes will be conducted primarily in Spanish, enabling students to learn and practice the new grammatical structures and vocabulary covered in each session. In order to develop and consolidate skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, classes will be highly interactive.

Students will often work in pairs or groups to practice their language skills.

During the course, students will give oral presentations about different topics, according to their increasing level of knowledge.

At different moments along the course we will visit the Spanish Embassy and some of the Latin American Embassies in The Hague.

Assessment method

  1. Understanding – listening CEFR A2: Listening comprehension exam (20%of final grade): Week 4 and week 13
  2. Speaking – production CEFR A2: Oral presentations (15% of final grade):Week 5 and week 14
  3. Speaking – interaction CEFR A2:Oral presentations & discussions (10% of final grade):Throughout the semester
  4. Understanding – reading CEFR B1: Reading comprehension exam (20% of final grade):Week 5 and week 15
  5. Writing CEFR A2: Written exam (vocabulary & grammar & creative writing; 25% of final grade):Week 6 and week 16
  6. Writing CEFR A2:Compositions (10% of final grade):Reading week


This course is supported by a BlackBoard site

Reading list

1) Compulsory Textbooks
VÍA RÁPIDA, Curso intensivo de español, Libro de Alumno + 2 CD Audio, + Cuaderno de Ejercicios

2) Recommended Reading Grammar Books:
John Butt and Carmen Benjamin, A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish, (London: Arnold)
Pilar Muñoz & Mike Thacker, A Spanish Learning Grammar (London: Arnold) [For beginners] Spinelli, E. English Grammar for Students of Spanish. Arnold, 1999.

The Oxford, Collins, or Larousse bilingual dictionaries
The Collins Spanish-English Dictionary (Glasgow: HarperCollins)
The Oxford Spanish Dictionary (Spanish-English, English-Spanish) (OUP)
The Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2000.

3) Other Sources Spanish & Latin American newspapers and relevant websites ; (Spain) (Argentina) (Mexico) (Chile)


This course is only open for LUC The Hague students.

Contact information

Weekly Overview

Preparation for first session