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Literary Translation 1


Admission requirements

This course is open only to students registered for the Translation in Theory and Practice specialization.


This course offers practice in translation of a variety of literary text types, such as fiction, poetry, plays and literary essays.
At home, all students prepare a translation for discussion in tutorial. Each week, two or three students will be assigned the role of discussion leader for that week.

Course objectives

Skill in translation literary texts from English into Dutch; ability to apply one’s knowledge and understanding of stylistics in translating a literary text; ability to apply one’s knowledge of translation theories in translating literary texts

Mode of instruction

2-hour weekly seminar

Assessment method

Class paper 20 <span>; translations (including annotated translations) 80</span>.



Reading list

Reading materials made available on Blackboard.


Students should register through uSis. Exchange students cannot register through uSis, but must see the director of studies and register with her.

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Registration Studeren à la carte
Registration Contractonderwijs