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Advanced Compilers and Architectures


Admission requirements

Bachelor Informatica


In this course, we build on the course Computer Architecture, Compiler Construction
and Operating Systems. We discuss novel architectural techniques to exploit
Instruction Level Parallelism, like branch prediction, superpipelining, simultaneous
multithreaded architectures, trace processors, etc. We discuss program optimization
by the compiler and source level transformations to exploit the memory hierarchy.
The exact contents of the course will be established together with the students
attending the course.

Course objectives

At the end of the seminar, students:

  • Should have a clear understanding of the state of the art of the designated research subject in the area of advanced compilers and architectures (that has been defined at the beginning of the course).

  • Have experienced and studied the general setup of scientific experimentation and implementation in the field of advanced compilers and architectures.

  • Are able to acquire necessary knowledge of state of the art scientific methods in the field of advanced compilers and architectures by studying scientific publications from journals, proceedings and R&D industries.

  • Are able to design, implement, execute and report on specific scientific experimentation conducted in the field of advanced compilers and architectures.


The most recent timetable can be found at the LIACS website

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Examination will most likely consist out of a paper presentation and a project.

Reading list

Course material consists of hand-outs of recent articles.


You have to sign up for classes and examinations (including resits) in uSis. Check this link for more information and activity codes.

There is a limited capacity for students from outside the master Computer Science programme. Please contact the study advisor.

Contact information

Study coordinator Computer Science, Riet Derogee
