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The Languages of Ancient West Asia


Admission requirements

Not applicable.


This course aims at providing additional depth to the languages that the students already studied prior to their MA (such as, for example Sumerian, Akkadian or Hittite), or providing a thorough introduction to the languages that they have not yet studied (such as, for example Hurrian, Urartian, or Elamite). The choice depends on the accent that students wish to place within their MA programme. While reading the material, particular attention is devoted to linguistic questions, but the course also aims to throw light on the cultural and societal context.

Course objectives

The aim of the course is twofold: to deepen knowledge of a language or a specific period and then to apply this knowledge by means of a presentation and a paper.


For the most recent update of the timetable click here.

Mode of instruction

Literature Seminar

Assessment Method

The final grade of this course will be composed of the following elements:

  • an oral presentation (30%)

  • a term paper of at least 5000 words (70%)


Not applicable.

Reading list

To be announced.


Registration for this course through uSis.


Drs Th.J.H. Krispijn. Tel. 071 527 2911.