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Politiek en Media



Purposes: 1. To develop a better understanding of the ways in which media and politics interact in democratic societies, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. 2. To improve students’ ability to evaluate the quality of media reporting..

Content: This course examines the interactions between mass media institutions and actors, on the one hand, and politicians, political institutions, and citizens, on the other, and we will be centrally concerned with scrutinizing the functions that the mass media must fulfill in order to support democratic functioning. What effects, for example, do the media have on citizens’ political knowledge? Are there certain types of information that the media simply do not provide to the public? Is the news biased toward certain political actors and their points of view? How are the internet and social media changing the media-politics landscape?
We will apply theories of democratic deliberation, journalistic practices, political economy of the media, and political behavior to better understand these questions and more.

Method of Instruction

Lectures and class discussions.

Study Material

Wolfsfeld, Gadi. 2011. Making Sense of Media & Politics: Five Principles in Political Communication. New York: Routledge.

Other reading materials will be posted on Blackboard.


The final exam will consist of short answer and essay questions covering both the assigned reading and lectures.

First opportunity for a written exam

Wednesday 21 May 2014, 13.00-16.00 hrs in the USC

Second opportunity for a written exam

Friday 20 June 2014, 9.00-12.00 hrs in 1A20

Voor de tentamens kunt u zich tot uiterlijk 10 dagen voor de tentamendatum via USIS aanmelden



Dinsdag 1 april t/m 13 mei, 11.00-13.00 uur in SB45
Vrijdag 4 april t/m 16 mei, 11.00-13.00 uur in SB11 (géén college op 18 april)


Werkgroep 1: Woensdag 2 april t/m 14 mei, 9.00-11.00 uur in SA23
Werkgroep 2: Woensdag 2 april t/m 14 mei, 13.00-15.00 uur in SA23
Werkgroep 3: Woensdag 2 april t/m 14 mei, 15.00-17.00 uur in SA23
Werkgroep 4*: Woensdag 2 april t/m 14 mei, 17.00-19.00 uur in 1A24

*Werkgroep 4 blijft gesloten totdat de andere werkgroepen vol zijn.