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Political Science and Public Administration RM Thesis Lab



The Research Master Thesis Lab provides students with an opportunity to develop their master thesis proposal before they start collecting and analyzing data and writing their master thesis, or, if already at a more advanced state, to discuss preliminary results (see Political Science and Public Administration RM Thesis for detailed information about the thesis writing process). During the thesis lab, students meet regularly to present and discuss their research (proposals) and to receive feedback from their fellow students and the thesis lab instructor. The ultimate responsibility for guidance and approval of the thesis proposals, however, rests with the individual thesis supervisors. At the end of the third block, students defend their research proposals in a public meeting with their supervisors

Method of Instruction and Assignments

Seminar-style group meetings with presentations and discussions.


Pass/Fail grading


Thursday 6 & 13 February, 15.00-17.00 hrs in 1A12
Wednesday 26 February 15.00-17.00 hrs in SA35
Thursday 27 February, 15.00-17.00 hrs in 5A23
Wednesday 5 March, 13.00-15.00 hrs in 5B14
Thursday 13 & 20 March, 15.00-17.00 hrs in 1A15
Thursday 27 March, 15.00-17.00 hrs in 1A11