Choose 2 courses (2 × 5 ects):
Ancient sculpture in context
An introduction to palaeoanthropology
Archaeology of Nubia and the Sudan
Archaeology of the late Neanderthals and first Modern humans in Western Europe
Critical museology
Current issues in Prehistoric research
Current issues in the archaeology of the frontier regions of the Roman Empire
Debates in Classical and Mediterranean archaeology
Discovering the concepts of archaeological heritage management
Environmental history of the Near East
Frontiers of the Roman Empire
History of construction and heritage
Indigenous heritage of the Caribbean
Maritime archaeology
Mobility and exchange in the circum-Caribbean
Museum history
Neolithisation in the Near East
Palaeolithic Europe: An introduction
Prospective field archaeology
Reconstructing artefact biographies: Concepts and methodologies
Research in Mesoamerica and the Andes
Research strategies (Field Archaeology)
The archaeology of empires in the Near East
Themes in European Prehistory
Urban archaeology
Worldview and ritual