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Writing Seminar: telling your story


Students who have been admitted to ‘Visual Ethnography as a Method’ will share a dedicated seminar group, tailored to the specific methodological challenges that anthropological research using audiovisual means poses.

Admission requirements

Only students who are admitted to the master’s programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology can take part in this course.


This course aims to establish the analytical connection between, on the one hand, the fieldwork experiences and the data collected during fieldwork, and, on the other hand, the theories and epistemologies discussed in the first part of the MA programme. The focus will be on the level of analysis, the units of analysis, and the process of constructing a written academic argument.


Fridays April 11th – May 23rd 2014, 13-15 h
ATTENTION: no class on April 18th (public holiday)

Pieter de la Court building (Wassenaarseweg 52):

  • Group 1 (Jansen): room 1A03

  • Group 2 (De Maaker): room 5B14

  • Group 3 (Saptari): April 11 room SA31, April 25 and May 2 room 1A22, May 9 room 1A33, May 16 room 1A22, May 23 room SA31.

Mode of instruction

5 ECTS = 140 study hours (sbu):

  • 6 weekly workshops of 2 hours = 18 sbu.

  • 5 weekly assignments (ca. 9.000 words) = 122 sbu

  • Obligatory excursion to an anthropological congress or seminar in order to experience in practice how researchers deal with getting their data into an academic debate (8 sbu)

Students are devided into the same 3 groups as for the course Doing Ethnography.
(The group of dr. Maeckelbergh will have another lecturer: dr. Erik Bähre.)

Assesment method

The seminar is graded “pass” (voldoende) if all 5 assignments are rated as “pass” and if the student has been present and has actively participated in the workshops and the final seminar.


Blackboard will be used to make information and assignments available. Blackboard module for this course wil be availavle for registration by the end of August 2013.

Reading list

There is no separate reading list for this course. Students use the literature they need for writing of their MA Thesis as well as their fieldwork notes.


Students are required to register for this course on Blackboard but do not need to register on uSis.


Dr. Jan Jansen


  • Dr. Jan Jansen (room 3A36, tel. 071-527 3996, e-mail )

  • Dr. Erik de Maaker (room 3A34, tel. 071-527 6612, e-mail )

  • Dr. Ratna Saptari (room 3A33, tel. 071- 527 3472, e-mail )