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Taalkundig onderzoek Portugees II





Workshop Taalkunde – Bilingualism in the Portuguese speaking world
Overview of major issues, theories, and research methods in the study of bilingualism, with a particular focus on bilingualism in the Portuguese speaking world. This includes research and experimental methods examining production, comprehension, and use of two languages; naturalistic studies and methods, including longitudinal data collection/analysis and sociolinguistic and ethnographic approaches; and methods relevant to children versus adults. Students will gain experience designing studies that might be conducted using different methodological approaches. Students will become familiar with different methods used in and will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Invited researchers may also visit the class to talk about their work on different bilingual populations in Brazil.


To become familiar with theories, methods, and findings in the field of bilingualism.
To be able to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the different methodologies explored.
To be able to articulate an in-depth knowledge of some of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach studied.


Collegerooster (derde jaar, 2e semester)




Totale studielast: (5EC x 28 uur) = 140 uur

Collegeuren: 28 uur
Bestuderen verplichte literatuur: 30 uur
Maken van referaat en voorbereiding presentatie: 25 uur
Het schrijven van een werkstuk: 57 uur


60% Research Project 10% proposal 10% oral presentacion 50% written version
20% Article/chapter presentations
20% Weekly response papers (1 paragraph)


Via Blackboard alle noodzakelijke informatie bekend gemaakt (programma, rooster, mededelingen, etc.). Ook wordt melding gemaakt van interessante activiteiten (zoals lezingen, exposities, etc.) die gerelateerd zijn aan de thema’s die tijdens de cursus aan bod komen.


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Aanmelden als student via uSis


dhr. Drs. M.W. Child


Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to participate in class discussion. All readings assigned for the week must be done prior to class. Every student is expected to contribute to class discussion through oral questions and comments every class. In order to facilitate class discussion, students will write a response to the weekly readings.

A detailed class syllabus will be provided on the first day of class.