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Academic Research in Latin American and the Caribbean


Admission requirements

To be registered as a student of the Research Master Latin American Studies.


This introductory course aiming to present the main theoretical and analytical tools, which are applied in the research master’s programme. For this purpose, several senior scholars will present parts of their current research, paying special attention to both theoretical and practical aspects of doing fieldwork research in the region.

Course objectives

This introductory course aims to provide the students with a first-hand account about how experienced scholars deal with several problems and issues related to the formulation and implementation of academic research in Latin America and the Caribbean. Students will learn by this how to translate theoretical and conceptual issues into a specific research question. In addition, students can find a link to the ongoing research done by these scholars in order to write a paper on one of the subjects and topics described by one of the lecturers.



Mode of instruction

A series of lectures.

Course load

26 hours of classes
254 hours of preparation for classes and writing paper

Assessment method

Active participation during the lectures 20%
Paper 80%

Re-sit: paper


Blackboard will be used to post all the necessary information about the course (programme, time tables, announcements, etc.). Also notices will be posted on interesting activities (such as Conferences, workshops, expositions, etc.), which are related to the themes analyzed during the course.

Reading list

A series of articles which will be later announced at Blackboard.


Register via uSis.

Exchange and Study Abroad students, please see the Study in Leiden website for information on how to apply.

Contact information

Prof.dr. P. Silva
Tel.: 071-5275496.


Compulsary presence at lectures.