
nl en

Linguistics 3: Topics in (Russian) Language and Linguistics


Admission requirements


Course Description

This course centers around a number of topics in Russian linguistics. It will focus primarily on the meaning and use of various interesting Russian constructions. Besides looking at the constructions from a theoretical point of view, we will also do empirical research on these constructions, for example by using a corpus (Russian National Corpus).

Course objectives

(i) General overview of different semantic approaches to constructions
(ii) Insight into a number of specific linguistic constructions/phenomena,
(iii) Ability to do research on this topic by using a corpus or other empirical approaches.


See timetable

Mode of instruction


Course load

Total 280 hrs (10EC)
Class 26 hrs
Literature research 100 hrs
Assignments 50 hrs
Research paper 104 hrs.

Assessment method

  • Four assignments (together 1/3 of the final grade)

  • Paper (2/3 of final grade)

  • Each student will give (at least) one presentation (this is obligatory but not graded)

  • Paper can be retaken.


This is a Blackboard-supported course

Reading list

To be announced


Through uSis

Contact information

Dr. E.L.J. Fortuin