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Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Sentencing and Corrections


Entry requirements

Students who want to take this course need to be admitted to the master’s programme in Criminal Justice.

Brief course description

This course will examine sentencing and corrections from international and historical perspectives, from the viewpoint of legal sentencing structures and substantive laws on sentencing, from theoretical and policy perspectives, and with close attention to many problem-specific areas. Moreover, recent developments in sentencing law and practice will be discussed, thereby offering students a state-of-the-art insight into converging and diverging trends in sentencing and corrections within an international context. “Sentencing” is the process by which criminal sanctions are imposed in individual cases following a criminal conviction. The term “corrections” deals with the implementation and evaluation of criminal sentences after they are handed down. In fact, the two subject areas are inseparable.
Topics that students will be invited to explore include: sentencing theories and their application, the nature, scope and function of corrections, the impact of mass incarceration on crime and communities, the effectiveness of rehabilitation, the relationship between sanctions and crime, and the consequences of prisoner re-entry. These topics will be considered as they play out in current political and policy debates.
Basic elements of the criminology curriculum will be integrated in the current course. Methodology and statistics of criminological research will be used in different group assignments. We will closely focus on the organization of the correctional system and judicial policy in which there is room for integration of the different elements of justice, policy and organization. Since punishment is an important intervention in the life course and criminal career of offenders, attention will be paid to another basic element of the criminology curriculum, namely the development of criminal behavior.

Learning objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Reflect upon and compare the history, organization of and key actors in the correctional system and judicial policy of the Netherlands and selected other countries;

  • Evaluate and compare the state of the art in scientific theories and results of empirical studies discussed during this course concerning (a) sentencing, (b) execution of corrections, and © effects of sentencing and corrections on the development of criminal behavior;

  • Assess and analyze the state of the art in methodology and cross-national comparative data on (a) sentencing research, (b) execution of correction research, and © effectiveness of corrections and sentencing topic (made available by the teacher) using descriptive techniques of analysis and, upon request, multivariate techniques.

  • apply the above mentioned knowledge in different contexts: (a) when reading and writing policy and research papers, and (b) when developing and implementing criminal justice policies.


Kies voor bachelor en master.


The current course will differ from traditional courses both in organization and content. Students are required to attend weekly meetings lasting a full day, which will consist of different elements. The first element is a more traditional lecture. Students are expected to prepare for these lectures by reading the literature assigned. At the end of this lecture a group assignment will be handed out. Students then have the rest of the day to work on this assignment. The assignment can vary in nature and content during the course. In the afternoon students and instructors come together for another meeting. Group assignments will be presented, and discussions will be held. Students will be judged on their active participation during these meetings.


  • Attend and actively participate in mandatory weekly meetings

  • Write an individual portfolio consisting of weekly group assignments

  • Attend a fieldtrip

  • Examination in the form of an individually written essay

Course grades

  • are determined by:

  • Portfolio (30%)

  • Written essay (70%)

  • Weekly meetings and fieldtrip must be attended in order to pass this course. All assignments must be submitted via safe assign (Blackboard). All components should be at least 5,5 in order to complete the course successfully.

  • All grades only hold for the present academic year.


The use of Blackboard is required.

Reading list

Mandatory literature

  • Assigned literature and the course guideline, both of which will be published on Blackboard.
    Recommended literature

  • Bachman, R. and Schutt, R.K. (newest edition) Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Los Angeles: Sage, or equivalent


Students can enroll for this course via uSis


  • Course instructor: A.Q. Bosma, MSc

  • Availability: Tuesday till Friday, through the secretariat

  • Telephone: 071 – 527 74 62

  • E-mail:


  • Institute: Criminal Law and Criminology

  • Department: Criminology

  • Opening hours: 09.00 to 12.30

  • Telephone secretariat: 071 – 527 74 62

  • E-mail:

Contract teaching

Belangstellenden die deze cursus in het kader van contractonderwijs willen volgen (met tentamen), kunnen meer informatie vinden over kosten, inschrijving, voorwaarden, etc. op de website van Juridisch PAO.