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Advanced Reading & Writing in Japanese 1 (60 EC)


Admission requirements

Students admitted to MA Asian Studies 60 ec tracks.


This course builds on skills that students have acquired by the time they enter the programme. Advanced level structures, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are further developed. Language activities are organized in order to develop and enhance logical thinking. The course aims to develop skills enabling students to read specialized texts, documents and materials analytically and critically. Students will also receive training in developing writing skills necessary to engage in producing texts about relatively specialized topics.

Course objectives

The textbook 『国境を越えて-本文編』 aims not only at helping students acquire vocabulary and sentence structures, but also learn the difference between written language (for reading) and spoken language (for listening and speaking). Students will do a presentation on a topic related to the textbook and they will be quizzed on kanji characters and vocabulary regularly.



Mode of instruction


Course Load

Total : 280 hrs

  • Classes : 66 hrs(2hrsX3/week over 12 weeks)

  • Text reading and class preparations : 110 hrs

  • Preparation for the oral presentation : 30 hrs

  • Preparation for the Kanji Quizzes : 20 hrs

  • Writing Assignments : 20 hrs

  • Extra activity: Japanese internet news site reading etc. : 34 hrs

Assessment method

Participation element (attendance, assignments, Kanji&Vocabulary Quiz): 50%
Oral presentation: 10%
Final exams (reading & writing): 40%


Yes, see for more info Blackboard

Reading list

  1. 山本富美子(2007)『国境を越えて-本文編』改訂版 新曜社
    1. 山本富美子(2008)『国境を越えて-語彙・文法編』 新曜社
    2. Reader/担当者作成教材(Additional materials)


Registration through uSis

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable.


-The textbooks1&2 are avairable through the following bookshops.
Local book dealer in Leiden: Van Stockum (, Breestraat 113.
Bookshop in Tokyo:Bonjinsha(凡人社)


Naomi Seki
Emi Yamamoto