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Historical Grammar of Hebrew and Aramaic


Admission requirements

Regular MA admission requirements.


An introduction to the historical grammar of Biblical Hebrew on the basis of a detailed philological study.

Course objectives

A better idea of the evolution of Hebrew in its linguistic setting during the first millennium BCE and some experience with a thorough philological study of difficult texts, including matters of phonology, morphology, syntax, textual criticism, and contextual interpretation. A very good working knowledge of Biblical Hebrew is essential.



Mode of instruction

  • Seminar

Course Load

10 EC (280 hours) spread over:

  • 13 tutorials of about 2 hours (26 hours);

  • preparing lectures, including reading and assignments (127 hours);

  • preparing written exam or writing a paper (127 hours).

Assessment method

  • Active participation and course preparation (40%)

  • Paper (60%)

The final grade for the course is established by determining the weighted average. Should the overall mark be unsatisfactory, the essay is to be revised after consultation with the teacher.


Not applicable.

Reading list

To be determined in consultation with the participants.
For some background information, students should take a look at H. Gzella, “Ancient Hebrew”, in: id. (ed.), Languages from the World of the Bible, Berlin and New York 2011, 76-110.


Registration via uSis


Prof. Dr. H. Gzella