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Real-time Processes with Max/MSP



Max is a programming tool that is relatively easy to learn, and it is especially suitable for creating and exploring real-time generative processes and the interaction with them. In Max, such processes can be defined as data streams or as audio generating structures. The aim is to research musicality in the interaction, and to define personal approaches and methods. The course starts with a brief introduction to the basics of Max.

Date, time and location

Wednesdays, 10:30–12:30.

BEA 6 / Computer Studio 1, Royal Conservatoire, Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, 2595 CA Den Haag, 070 315 15 15


Inschrijven via [uSis]( "uSis").

Voor andere vakken op het gebied van muziek en beeldende kunst, zie s.v.p.:
[Keuzevakken muziek en beeldende kunsten]( "Keuzevakken muziek en beeldende kunsten")