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European Competition Law


Over the past 40 years, the rules on Competition Law (Antitrust) in the EU have developed into a substantial body of law. They constitute directly applicable rules for enterprises, and as such they are of immediate concern to them. Contracts in violation of the rules are unenforceable and huge fines are imposed in case of infringements while parties that suffered damages may litigate before a national civil court. Reflecting the importance of this area of the law, a major part of the programme is devoted to the study of competition law. It is the aim of the course to provide the participants with a solid basis for the practice of competition law. Guest lectures shall be given by private practitioners, regulators, in-house lawyers and economists.
The course will cover the main features of the EU rules (articles 101 and 102 TFEU and implementing regulations and guidelines), both from a substantive and a procedural perspective, including government induced distortions of competition, the relationship between EU and national competition law, the economic principles and procedures concerning merger control, and the rules on state aid (articles 107-109 TFEU).


Europa Institute
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Phone: 071-527 7760
Sheena Bruce,
Phone: +31 (0)71 527 7821

Course Materials

  • Course Reader can be downloaded from blackboard


  • This course is assessed by means of an oral exam

Course requirements

  • Master degree


  • Sheena Bruce, – Phone: +31 (0)71 527 7821