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Spanish 1 Pre-Intermediate


Admission requirements

This course is only available for students in the BA International Studies with a A2 Spanish level. You will need to contact your coordinator of studies in order to check your level and to do a Dialang exam.


This is a language course for pre- intermediate students, that it has a communicative approach. Attention will be paid to the use of the language in practical everyday situations. The course is going to be divided into lecture and practical classes. The focus will be on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For this purpose, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and the most important standard phrases will be taught as the key elements of this course.

Course objectives

  • Audio-visual reception (reading): B1+

  • Written production (writing): B1+

  • Listening: B1+

  • Oral productions (speaking): B1+


The timetable is available on the BA International Studies website

Mode of instruction

Three two hour tutorials every week

Attending lectures and tutorials is compulsory. If you are not able to attend a lecture or a tutorial, please inform the tutor of the course. Being absent without notification can result in a lower grade or exclusion from the final exam or essay.

Course Load

Total course load for this course is 10 EC (1 EC = 28 hours), this equals 280 hours, broken down by:

  • Atending classes: 72 hours (6 hrs per week over 12 weeks)

  • Preparing classes, exams and extra activities : 208 hours

Assessment method

  1. Midterm exam: 25% (grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension in class exam)
    1. 2 Small assignments (quizzes): 7.5% each (grammar and vocabulary)
    2. Listening evaluation: 10%
    3. Final exam:
      a. 1st Part Writing exam: 35% (grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension)
      b. 2nd Part Oral exam: 15% (speaking and listening)
      To complete the final mark, please take notice of the following: the final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average.
      To pass the course, the average has to be 5.5 at least


If the final grade is insufficient (lower than a 6), there is the possibility of a resit.
The resit will be a written exam of two hours, and will test if the students have reached the end level of this semester. This exam consists of the following components:

  • Reading and writing;

  • Written dialogue;

  • Vocabulary and grammar.


Blackboard will be used. For tutorial groups: please enroll in blackboard after your enrolment in uSis

Students are requested to register on Blackboard for this course.

Reading list

  • Corpas, Garmendia, Soriano, Aula internacional 3 Nueva edición, Difusión 2014. ISBN9788415640110

  • P. Seijas; B. Tonnelier; S. Troitiño, Cuadernos de Gramática española B1, Difusión, 2011. ISBN 9788484434764


Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available in English and Dutch

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable


M. J. Pérez Rodríguez


For this course attendance and participation is essential. Classes missed for a good reason have to be discussed with the language instructor BEFORE the class takes place. Frequent absence will inevitably lead to lower participation grades, or denied access to the final exam.
Passing this course is an additional requirement for a positive Study Recommendation at the end of the year.
This course uses Integrated communicative language learning method. Therefore active participation in the classroom activities is essential for successful learning outcomes.