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Capstone Cases


Admission requirements



The Capstone cases course is intended to integrate the previous courses and allow students to deepen and apply their insights in a ‘Living Case’, i.e. applying it to solving a real problem in a real company. For this we will strive to work closely with a relevant, existing company, or present a realistic “virtual” company. In a series of company presentations (and, if possible, visits) and interview sessions, student teams will analyze real multi-faceted business issues in which ICT plays a central role. Based on their findings and supplementary research they will then present their results to the company’s management, who will judge the results in terms on quality, completeness, practical applicability and S.M.A.R.T. terms.

Course objectives

Deepen and apply students’ insights in ICT related issues in “real life” company situations.


The schedule can be found on the Leiden University student website

Detailed table of contents can be found in blackboard.

Mode of instruction

Company visits with presentations and interviews.

Assessment method

  • Presence is mandatory, because the interaction with company representatives plays a key role in the knowledge transfer. This applies to all three different capstone cases.

  • Depending on the capstone case, present findings and proposals (e.g. multifaceted business cases) or defend findings and views in role-play exercises.

  • In most cases the students will have to pretend to be part of the company involved, as such sharpening their business communication skills.

  • External matter experts, e.g. senior managers of the companies involved, will review the exercises and presentations. They will be assessed on depth of research, completeness, realism and creativity.

  • Capstone cases are not assessed with a rating but with a “pass” or “fail” rate. Invalid rates are issued due to lack of (mandatory) presence and/or lack of quality or quantity of delivered output, as judged by the external matter experts panel.



Reading list

Dependent on the case. Discussions and document distribution through Blackboard.

Signing up for classes and exams

You have to sign up for classes and examinations (including resits) in uSis. Check this link for more information and activity codes.

There is only limited capacity for external students. Please contact the programme Co-ordinator

Contact information

Programme Co-ordinator: ms. Esme Caubo