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Conflict and Cooperation: Classics - Fall 2016



This course is centered around three classic political science books on the theme of conflict and cooperation. Each of these books provides analysis of a particular type of conflict: a domestic conflict in deeply divided societies, an inter-state conflict in the international arena, and an economic conflict within advanced industrial democracies. Each of these books advances a particular argument for how cooperation, peace and prosperity can be achieved in the wake of these conflicts. Each of these books is also a classic text in a particular subfield of political science: comparative politics, international relations, and political economy. We will deal with these classic texts by, first, discussing the book itself and, second, by looking at the literature and analysis that was inspired by ideas and approaches contained in the books.

Methods of Instruction

Seminar style form of instruction, consisting of close readings and class discussions. The seminars are based on questions about the literature that are provided in advance to each session.

Study Material

  • Arend Lijphart (1977). Democracy in Plural Societies (New Haven: Yale University Press)

  • John J. Mearsheimer (2003). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: W.W. Norton)

  • Peter J. Katzenstein (1985). Small States in World Markets (Ithaca: Cornell University Press)

  • A selection of journal articles and book chapters, available from the digital library of the University.


First opportunity for a written exam is on Mondag 24 October 2016, 09.00-11.00h in 1A20 and SB11.

Second opportunity for a written exam is on Monday 9 January 2017, 11.30-13.30h in SA41.

Admission Requirements



See preliminary info


N.B.: 1st Lecture takes place on Monday September 5, 2016, 11.00-13.00 hrs in Lipsius 03.
