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Research Project 1 - Practical Work



Research Project I trains students to independently conduct scientific research in one of the Divisions of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). The research takes 36 weeks of 40 hours a week, including writing the thesis and preparing the oral presentation (‘colloquium’). Guidelines for Research Project I are available on the Blackboard module ‘Opleiding BFW/BPS’.

Admission requirements

Master students of Bio-pharmaceutical Sciences. The student has written a research proposal, and has attended the mandatory safety training (part of “Introduction course BPS”).

Mode of instruction

Practical work, self study, discussions.

Course objectives

  • The student is able to make use of his/her knowledge when conducting experiments

  • The student has demonstrated competence in the applied experimental activities of the project

  • The student is able to work independently

  • The student is able to contribute new ideas

  • The student is able to conduct innovative research and shows academic attitude

  • The student is able to function adequately in the research group

Assessment method

Conducting Research.


Application via uSis after consulting with study adviser and Division.