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Study abroad in Korea: Perspectieven op Korea


Admission requirements

This course is only available for Korean studies students who obtained the propaedeutic diploma and successfully completed all courses of the first semester of BA2.

Students are expected to have read Edward Said’s Orientalism prior to the first day of class. They should arrive on the first day with the following: a) the text for discussion (Orientalism) and b) a topic of interest that would be suitable for a research project.


This redesigned intensive course is mandatory for BA2 students studying abroad in Korea in the second semester. The second semester offers the last opportunity for students to develop necessary writing and research skills prior to commencing their BA thesis in the third year; at the same time, they will spend much of their second semester studying abroad. Hence, this hybrid course is a response to the varied curricular and experiential demands of the curriculum.
The primary goal of this class is to introduce students to the historiography of modern Korea and for students to produce their own literature review/historiography on a topic of their choice. The secondary goal, covered by the module in Korea, is a self-directed exploration and application of theoretical literature.
This course starts in late January.

Course objectives

  • Introduce students to the historiography of Korea

  • Further develop critical thinking and analytical skills through research-focused methods

  • Practice multi-scalar, complex empirical and theoretical analysis

  • Learn how to think about evaluating complex cultural encounters

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of thesis and research production



Mode of instruction

Seminar and online

Course Load

Total workload: 140 hours

Assessment method

Assessment (all submitted from Korea via Blackboard):

  1. Series of personal reflections (various formats) following field visits. Details of the field visits will be made available on Blackboard (25% of final grade).
  2. Essay (one or more of: theoretical application, primary source analysis or fieldwork notes) (max. 3000 words; 75% of final grade).

Course Policies:

The course is conducted mostly online, and as such there is no attendance requirement. However, failure to submit assignments will result in a penalty. Late submission will also incur a less stringent penalty. The instructor reserves the right to require student submission of any notes, first drafts, outlines or preparatory work for any assignment.
To pass the course, students must receive an overall mark of 5.50 [=6] or higher and a passing grade for the essay assignment (part 2, a mark of 5.5 or higher). Students who fail the course (receiving an overall mark of 5.49 [=5] or lower) must take a resit. Only one resit is possible and it consists of a literature review of 8,000 words (100% of the grade). No supervision is provided in the case of a resit. Resits must be completed within 3 weeks from the instructor notifying the student. The course is an integrated whole. All categories must be completed in the same academic year. No partial marks can be carried over into following years.


This course uses Blackboard in addition to other modes of communication in order to disseminate critical information. Students are expected to check Blackboard frequently.

Reading list

Not applicable


Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available in English and Dutch


C.K. Green MA