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Biomedical Academic Scientific Training-2 (BAST-2)



Monday January 8th – Friday July 6th 2018.


Themes of BAST in the second year
In the first year of the study a start was made with Biomedical Academic Scientific Training (BAST). In the second year, BAST will further build on the themes of the first year. The specific themes of the second year are:

  • Clinical practice;

  • Determination of reliability of (biomedical) measurements;

  • Application and interpretation of statistical analysis of data, including epidemiological data;

  • Formulation of research objectives and a study design that are relevant to generate new knowledge;

  • Ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research;

  • Description and assessment of biomedical research in a social context.

During the second year, there will be a focus on the process of science in both laboratory and clinic. Emphasis will be put on biomedical sciences as a progressing science, by validating and invalidating hypotheses, and generating new ones, aiming at understanding and combating human diseases. Experiments, observations and proper data analyses serve as a basis for novel insights. During this year, it is learning of this process in theory and in practice that is central to the line. Important aspects include the formulation of research questions, the design of experimental studies and the statistical analysis of data. In the third semester there is an emphasis on the laboratory setting; in the fourth semester on the clinical setting.
Practicing the principles of critical reading is continued from the first year and students will be introduced to some of the legal and ethical issues involved in biomedical science. Where possible, teaching in the second year will be illustrated by using virtual examples of patients or sessions with actual patients.

Education and training of this line is integrated in the thematic modules. Moreover, a line module is scheduled: ‘Design and Analysis of Biomedical Studies’ (theme 1, 2, 3 and 5). The year assignment is scheduled next to the modules and must be carried out throughout the year.
Like in the first bachelor year, a year assignment must be carried out. This assignment involves an interview of a young investigator (PhD student or post-doc) and the supervisor. The interviews will focus on the daily aspects of doing research , the fun and the possible frustrations. Teams of student will focus on different topics and in a final presentation each of these topics will be presented to the entire group. In addition each group prepares a report that will be peer reviewed by students and evaluated by the BAST teachers.
Either in the second or third bachelor year, the students must attend the two-yearly scheduled LIMSC (Leiden International Medical Student Conference) and make a report.

Course objectives

De student:

  • toont inzicht in de factoren en overwegingen die een rol spelen in het bepalen van de onderzoeksagenda

  • past inzichten over het adequaat uitvoeren van wetenschappelijk onderzoek toe

  • toont inzicht in de factoren die bepalend zijn in het succesvol uitvoeren van een onderzoeksproject of –activiteit

  • toont inzicht in de dynamiek en organisatie van het dagelijks werk van een biomedisch onderzoeker en daarbij specifiek ook in het publiceren van ondezoeksresultaten

  • toont inzicht in de veelheid aan factoren die invloed hebben op het succes van een onderzoeksproject, een onderzoeks-programma en de groei en opbouw in een carrière van een onderzoeker

  • toont inzicht in de wijze waarop wetenschap, techniek en samenleving zijn verbonden

Assessment method

There are no specific course books other than specified in the various course modules. A Blackboard module for the second year line education BAST is available.


Concerning the ECTS: One credit is obtained for the year assignment in year 2. Apart from that, credits for BAST are integral part of the modules and not separately specified.

Coordinator BAST:
Peter J.K. Kuppen, PhD
Dept. of Surgery, D6-22
Tel. 071 526 4569/3968