Admission requirements
The integrative focal point of this minor is the Student Project Groups (SPGs) which are mixed groups of 3-6 students coming from the three universities, tutored by academic coaches. Most projects are done in cooperation with a company or societal organisation, and during the process each SPG is in touch with this target stakeholder. In the SPG, the student will apply the Intervention Cycle to a real-life case of innovation. At the end of each quarter, there will be a plenary seminar where the groups will present their results to fellow students and coaches and, if feasible, also the target stakeholders. The SPGs are formed during the first integration seminar, also known as the Kick-off day of the minor.
The structure of the SPG’s is based on the six steps of the Intervention Cycle: Problem Identification, Problem Analysis, Problem Definition, Solution (Re)Design, Solution Implementation and Solution Evaluation. Students will cover the entire cycle during each of the two quarters. The results will be presented during the plenary sessions at the end of the quarter.
Course objectives
At the end of the learning experience you can demonstrate understanding of the intervention cycle by applying the framework to a specific case of responsible innovation by working in an interdisciplinary team. This includes:
Applying practical and theoretical knowledge to papers and presentations; and
Reflecting on teamwork and team decision making processes.
The timetable can be found in the right menu, under files
Wednesdays and Fridays in September, October, first half November
The timetable can be found in the right menu, under files ENG/ bestanden DUTCH.
Mode of instruction
To help you achieve the learning goals you have (bi)weekly coaching and feedback sessions with one of the teachers who will be your coach. Your SPG is in the lead, so make sure you make an appointment with your coach. Be assertive! Next to these (bi)weekly sessions you are in contact with your target stakeholder. The target stakeholder will be available for an interview and for feedback. The SPG is responsible for organising and maintaining its contacts with the target stakeholder, but you should consult your coach before contacting the target stakeholder and you should keep your coach informed about your interactions with the target stakeholder.
One of the unique points of this minor is the interdisciplinary group work. It will probably be the first time that you work with students from different disciplines. Although it helps you to broaden your perspective on subjects, it also might be difficult; especially in the beginning. During your (bi)weekly coaching sessions, your coach will not only discuss the progress but also support your SPG with the interdisciplinary group work.
Course Load
Total course load 6 EC x 28 hours = 168 hours
72 hours: Practical work
08 hours: Tutoring
88 hours: Assignments (= 14 (presentation) + 74 (report)
168 hours
Assessment method
Presentation and final report.
Grading rubrics will be used to assess the quality of the report and the presentation. The criteria are used to give references to the students, where they need to work on at least. A higher grade is dependent on whether the SPGs can shows signs of a deep understanding of the case, mastering the used tools/literature or give sound reasoning and arguments for decisions made in each stage.
Report: 5/6 of grade
Presentation: 1/6 of grade
Inspection and feedback
How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.
Not applicable.
Reading list
Not applicable
Students need to register for the minor at their home university and in uSis Leiden, and for each individual course in uSis Leiden.
Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available on the website
Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs
Not applicable
Not applicable.