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Globalisering, infrastructuur en ideologie


NB: De voertaal van de hoorcolleges bij deze cursus zal Engels zijn, maar de communicatie met de docente zal zijn in het Nederlands. Tentaminering zal tevens in het Nederlands plaatsvinden tenzij de examencommissie anders heeft besloten in individuele gevallen.


Deze cursus maakt deel uit van de Bachelor en Pre-master CA-OS.
Alleen studenten ingeschreven voor deze opleidingen hebben toegang tot dit vak.
Zie ook het kopje “Inschrijving” onderaan.


This course examines global connections through the flows of ideas, people and things facilitated by the built networks and infrastructures that allow for (or obstruct) their movement through space. These infrastructures (in the form of technologies, material culture, policy regulations, social networks) involve economic, political and cultural processes shaped by existing power structures. They are not just the medium in which ideas, people and things move, but they are also objects which are given different meanings by different groups of people. Instead of looking at ‘the global’ and ‘local’ as fixed divides, we will examine how the movement of capital and ideas, people and commodities, operate at multi-scalar levels and how they strengthen or weaken social inequalities; the sovereignty of states and markets; and the boundaries of cultural identities and nationhood. How do these flows offer channels to understand the ways in which ideologies (based on class, gender, ethnicity etc) and power relations are shaped and reinforced? How do international and state institutions formulate and regulate policies of improvement and empowerment? What are the infrastructures that contribute in shaping the landscape of people’s everyday lives? How do different social groups frame their movements to embrace, negotiate or counter the introduction of various ‘projects of improvement’ and what strategies do they undertake to deal with existing modes of governmentality and control?

Keywords: globalization; power structures; nationalism and nationhood; governance and sovereignty; migration and citizenship; cultural heritage


Students who follow this course will develop:

  • a firm foundation in anthropological and sociological theories related to the various key concepts discussed in the course.

  • academic skills necessary to analyze processes of global-local interaction, the movement of ideas, people and things through different types of borders and boundaries and modes of governmentality and resistance

  • research skills and methodologies within the framework of global ethnographies knowledge to connect issues that are politically relevant and urgent in the current world situation with local day-to-day events,


Data en zaalummers zijn te vinden op de website


Totaal 10 ECTS = 280 studiebelastinguren (sbu)

Hoorcolleges (12 x 2 uur = 24 uur / 36 sbu)
Schriftelijke opdrachten ca. 3 pagina's (24 sbu)
Literatuur ca. 1300 pagina's (220 sbu)


Opdrachten en het eindtentamen. Tentameninschrijving in Usis is verplicht.
Alleen het eindcijfer wordt in Usis geregistreerd en kan worden herkanst indien onvoldoende.


Blackboard zal worden gebruikt om het gedetailleerd cursusprogramma bekend te maken. Studenten kunnen zich rond de aanvangstdatum aanmelden op Blackboard.


Wordt later bekend gemaakt.


Inschrijving voor alle deelnemers geschiedt via Usis voor de hoorcolleges en het tentamen. Op de website over vakinschrijving vind je de inschrijfperiodes en verdere informatie over de procedure.


Dr. Ratna Saptari