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GIS: Spatial analysis in urban regions


This course is a specialisation module of the MSc Industrial Ecology (joint degree TU Delft and Leiden University).

Content and education method
The students will work in small groups (3-4 students) on an assignment exploring a spatial question related to the availability of various materials in an urban area (Urban Mining).

The students will conduct this study using GIS software and literature research.

The result of this case study will be a report and a presentation at the end of the course. The report has to include system boundaries, methodology and steps in the analysis as well as the results of the case study and some conclusions and discussion.

The course starts with introduction lectures and two GIS practical’s. Most of the time the students will work in groups on the assignment. There will be three Question&Answer sessions (Q&A) with the supervisors. At the second Q&A session the working groups have to deliver and present a proposal about the method to use for the case study. This proposal will be commented in the week after.

During the course the students will have access to ArcGIS software including modelbuilder and spatial analyst extension.

**Study Goals **
The student is able to:

  • Understand what spatial data and GIS means;

  • The student is able to:

  • Understand what spatial data and GIS means;

  • Being able to identify specific characteristics of spatial data;

  • Know which type of spatial data is available and how these can be found;

  • Know which type of spatial analysis is available to solve a spatial problem and to be able to select the proper tools;

  • To be able to use the selected geospatial data and apply the chosen spatial analysis;

  • To be able to argue which method is chosen to solve a specific spatial problem;

  • To be able to present the selected methodology with the aid of a flow diagram.

**Assessment **
The result of this case study will be a report and an oral presentation at the end of the course. The report has to include system boundaries, methodology and steps in the analysis as well as the results of the case study and some conclusions and discussion. The course will end with a written exam.

Final grades are expressed by means of a figure between 1 and 10, rounded to the nearest half. The grade 5,5 cannot be granted. Grades between 5,01 and 5,49 are rounded to 5,0 and grades between 5,50 and 5,99 are rounded to 6,0.

**Enrolment / Application **
Because this course is part of a joint degree between Leiden University and TU Delft, students (also guest and exchange) have to be enrolled to both universities.

All students have to enroll for the course via Brightspace (before the start of the course) and for the exam via uSis, Leiden University.

Students who are not enrolled for the MSc Industrial Ecology, have to ask permission from the study advisor of Industrial Ecology ( to join this course, at least one month before start of the course.

Exchange students can only enroll for this course if their home university has an Exchange agreement with both Leiden University and TU Delft. Exchange students have to ask permission from the studyadvisor of Industrial Ecology ( as soon as possible, preferably six months before the start of the course.