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Frugal Innovation in Practice


Admission requirements

The course is open for all students that are enrolled in the LDE Minor Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development.


The Frugal Innovation in Practice comprises of a field assignment which is conducted abroad during 12 weeks. During their stay abroad students will work on a field assignment, which can be more research or more practically oriented. Students are divided into groups of three, ideally with one student from each participating university (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus). In this way, they bring together their knowledge base and integrate it with that of the others.

Field assignments will be arranged by the minor coordinators before students start with the minor. On Thursday 18 June 2020 (17.30 – 20.00 hrs.) there will be a matchmaking event in which the various field assignments will be presented and students will have the opportunity to talk to field assignment providers. The field assignment allocations will be known by 25 June 2020, before Summer holidays. This offers students the opportunity to contact field assignment providers and supervisors in an early stage to allow for proper preparation and arrangements. The field assignment to be allocated in June contains a general description and challenge. During the first part of the minor (Bootcamp, Field Assignment Preparation Course) the students will work themselves on making the field assignment more concrete, in collaboration with the assignment providers and the supervisors.

The students have to finance the internship (travel, accommodation and living costs) themselves, unless (part of) the costs is covered by the assignment providers. The costs involved during the stay abroad are to a large extent country and context specific but between 2,500 and 3,000 Euros is a realistic estimate of the costs involved. Students will be provided with suggestions on where to find opportunities to apply for subsidies.

In principle the field assignment will be abroad. In the previous academic years (2018-2019, 2019-2020) field assignments were arranged in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Cambodia, Malaysia, Surinam, Curacao and the Netherlands. If students do not prefer to do a field assignment abroad (this can be for various reasons including health or other personal circumstances), the possibility for a field assignment in the Netherlands can be discussed. In such case students are requested to get into contact with the minor coordinator (Dr. André Leliveld, as soon as possible after they have been selected for the minor.

Course objectives

After the internship students are able to:

· Apply and extend the knowledge and skills acquired in the theoretical part of the minor in a specific context and practical assignment;

· Collaborate with other students with a different (disciplinary/study) background;

· Clearly define and shape the contribution of their own field in solving a specific problem of frugal innovation (scientific or other);

· Work in a different cultural environment from their own;

· Show an open mind and attitude which is sensitive to different cultural contexts;

· Communicate and present on frugal innovation to academic and non-academic audiences.



From Friday 6 November 2020 until Friday 22 January 2021

Mode of instruction

Individual supervision.

Assessment method

Evaluation of the output of the field assignment by the field assignment provider and supervisor. (Note: the output may differ per field assignment).




Inspection and feedback

Reading list

Background materials that can help the students to gain a better insight in the context and background of the field assignments. These materials will be provided by the field assignment supervisor(s) and provider.


Registration via uSis is verplicht.

Information about uSis website

Inschrijven voor vakken en tentamens

Registration Studeren à la carte en Contractonderwijs

Registration Studeren à la carte.
Registration Contractonderwijs.
Not applicable.


If you have general questions on this course, please contact the course coordinator Dr. André Leliveld, For specific questions concerning the field assignment, please contact your supervisor and field assignment provider (to be known by June 2020).

Coordinator Dr. André Leliveld, or send an e-mail to Minor Frugal Innovation
Onderwijsadministratie: Reuvensplaats


Not applicable.