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Development and Poverty Reduction


Entry Requirement

'Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken in de Internationale Politiek', IP year 2.


This course builds on the knowledge achieved in the lecture course ‘Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken’ of year 2 of the IP program, and will provide enhanced understanding of current issues in development and poverty reduction. We will focus on the period from the 1990s until the present, when poverty re-gained a central place on the development agenda. We will address the way developing country governments and donors approach development and poverty reduction through their policies, and what forms of development cooperation have emerged since the 1990s.

Course Objectives

1. Deepening knowledge and understanding of development issues and the way governments and donors address these issues through policies.
2. Application of general development theories and approaches to specific questions and forming judgment on policies in specific countries of the developing world.
3. Designing and implementing a research project, preferably a (comparative) case study.

Mode of Instruction

Seminar: interactive sessions, discussions and presentations


J. Sachs, 2005 The End of Poverty: economic possibilities for our time (London: Penguin Books, later edition has a different subtitle but is ok) NB available on line in PDF.
W. Easterly, 2013, The Tyranny of Experts: economists, dictators and the forgotten rights of the poor (New York, Basic books).
Aanbevolen: J. Gould 2005, The New Conditionality: the politics of poverty reduction strategies (London: Zed Books).
These book are reserved in the FSW library (study books case)..

Assessment method:

30% review essay
60% end paper
10% presentation literature and end paper


See general information on tab Year 3

