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Dynamical systems seminar (BM)


Admission requirements

The standard (bachelor) courses in analysis; some basic knowledge of geometry, topology, stochastics and measure theory.


The topic(s) of this seminar will be determined together with the students -- based on their preferences and their backgrounds. The themes may range from together studying mathematical theory, such as for instance geometric singularl perturbation theory, via a focus on (classes of) mathematical models, such as amplitude equations, and specific phenomena, such as localized structures, to a specific application area, such as mathematical neuroscience. In all cases, we will together study literature -- either (chapters in) books or research and/or review papers. A list of potential literarture will be prepared by the teachers, a selection from that list will be made together.

Course objectives

Students will learn to independently study literature on (relatively) modern developments in the broad area of dynamical systems and pattern formation. Students are expected to present (at least one) seminar(s) in which they explain what they have learned to all participants in the seminar.

Mode of instruction

Attending and presenting seminars, perhaps in combination with a short report/essay on the matrial studied.


The final grade is based on one practical, for which there is no retake. The practical consists of the presentations, the active participation in the seminar, and possibly the report/essay.


to be determined


By email: doelman[at]