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Banking & Finance Transactions


Course requirements

Master degree in Law. This course is part of the Advanced Master Law and Finance.

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Course information

This course is one of the two core courses of the curriculum. In this course you will learn to apply theoretical legal knowledge to international finance contracts and practice your writing skills. The course focuses on the transactions concluded by banks and other financial institutions that are mainly aimed at providing finance. The course will start with an introduction to private international law, i.e. conflict of laws regimes, for the question which law applies to a certain transaction is of paramount importance in any international transaction. Subsequently, various categories of transactions will be discussed. These transactions will first be introduced with structure charts and their underlying (economic) rationale, after which their legal complexities will be dissected. Transactions so analysed will include loan finance, securitisations (i.e. structured finance), derivatives and repurchase agreements (i.e. collateralised finance). Always, attention will be paid to insolvency law, for insolvency law is the background scenario of any solid transaction analysis. Increasingly, sustainability factors need to be taken into account as well. Since the shape financial transactions take often is influenced by tax considerations, attention will be paid to the most relevant (international) tax issues that play a role in international finance.

Course learning objectives

The objective of this course is to provide thorough knowledge and insight in the most important financial transactions that are concluded by banks and other financial institutions that are mainly aimed at providing finance. After completion of the course,

  • Students obtain an overall perspective and understanding of how banks and other financial institutions provide finance;

  • More specifically, students obtain knowledge and understanding of how to determine which law applies to a certain transaction, and which court would be competent to resolve disputes involving such a transaction;

  • Students obtain knowledge and understanding of the (economic) rationale and structuring of the most important categories of transactions that are concluded on the (international) financial markets;

  • Students are able to critically analyse different categories of financial transactions;

  • Students are able to critically analyse the rules applicable to those transactions, including conflict of laws rules, private and insolvency law rules, as well as tax law rules, and are able to apply those rules to a concrete transaction;

  • Students are able to explain and evaluate some of the major challeges brought by the transition to a sustainable economyand

  • Students are able to clearly and concisely analyse and discuss, in writing, relevant issues that concern international financial transactions.

Mode of instruction

This course is taught in a class room setting with mandatory class attendance. Only when required by government regulation or decided by the Programme Board, teaching will be conducted in an online setting.

Lectures & seminars

  • Number of (2 hour) lectures & seminars: 20

  • Names of lecturers: Prof. dr. Matthias Haentjens; Prof. dr. Rogier Raas; Prof. dr. Pim (W.A.K.) Rank; Prof. dr. Henk Vording.

  • Required preparations by students: reading of prescribed materials, preparation of case studies and any other assignments.

Examination method

  • Written assignment: 30%

  • Final exam: 70%

The final grade, on the scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (outstanding), for the course is established by determining the weighted average of the written assignment and the final exam, and rounded to full grades. Grade 6 (5.5 rounded) is a pass.

The written assignment will require you to write an essay of 2500 words on on one of the topics discussed in the course.

The final exam will be a written exam or an oral exam. The final exam covers all the material delivered during the lectures and the seminars.

Further information about the written assignments will be communicated to students through Brightspace closer to the respective assignment due dates.


Course reader and additional literature is distributed through Brightspace.

Submission of written assignment via Brightspace using Turnitin.

Course materials

  • M. Haentjens & P. de Gioia-Carabellese, European Banking and Financial Law, 2nd edn, London: Routledge 2020.

  • Ph. Wood, Law and Practice of International Finance, Sweet & Maxwell 2008 (or the reprint 2011).

  • M. Bogdan & M. Pertegás Sender, Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law, 4th edn, Europa Law Publishing, 2019.

As well as articles and papers specifically assigned per week as set out in the course reader or Brightspace.
Course reader is available to be downloaded from Brightspace.


Course Coordinator:
Ilya Kokorin LLM

Programme Coordinator:
Ms. Orsolya Kalsbeek-Bagdi
Email address:

Disclaimer: Currently these pages are being updated to reflect the courses for 2022 - 2023. Until these pages are fixed as per 1 September 2022 no rights can be claimed from the information which is currently contained within.

Should there be any future changes of the Covid 19 virus which may impinge our teaching and assessment, these could necessitate modification of the course descriptions after 1 September. This will only happen in the event of strict necessity and the interests of the students will be taken into account. Should there be a need for any change during the course, this will be informed to all students on a timely basis. Modifications after 1 September 2022 may only be done with the approval and consent of the Faculty Board and Programme Director.