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Honours College FSW Science & Society Conference


Admission requirements

This course is mandatory for students in their third year of the Honours College Science & Society track.


The 'shared transferable skills’ predominantly covered in this course are shown in bold:

(Meta-)cognitive (Researching) Interpersonal (Collaborating) Intrapersonal (Reflecting)
Analysing Oral communication Independent learning
Generating solutions Written communication Resilience
Project-based working Presenting
Digital skills Societal awareness


The Honours College FSW Science & Society Conference marks the zenith of your Honours trajectory. At the conference, you present a message to the world that stems from your own passion and mission, and that builds upon the knowledge and insights you gained during your Honours trajectory.

The presentations come in the form of a mini TED Talk of 3 minutes. Several sub-groups present their TED Talks simultaneously.

Prior to the Conference the workshop How to present your TED Talk will be organised. Together with other students and the teacher, you will dive into the characteristics of a powerful talk. The goal: successfully bringing your ideas into the world.


Date Time Activity Location
25 April 17:00-19:00 Workshop How to Present your TED Talk Leiden | room t.b.a.
26 May 13:00-17:00 Science & Society Conference Leiden | room t.b.a.




You will be automatically registered for the workshop and the conference.


If you have any questions, please contact Honours College FSW