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Current Issues in Applied Archaeology


Admission requirements

Admission to the Master Archaeology programme Applied Archaeology.


Does archaeology entail more than just executing excavations? Do you think archaeologists can contribute to (local) societal issues, major challenges such as climate change as well as the Sustainable Development Goals? And do you want to learn about the ‘democratisation of the past’ and archaeological entrepreneurship? Then the course Current Issues in Applied Archaeology suits you perfectly.

Present-day archaeology is not just about doing academic research, it is more than ever about applying archaeological knowledge. Besides executing research, archaeologists must be aware of protecting heritage, have a keen eye for the public and must be able to make the public part of their research.
Archaeologists are also communicators who must be able to explain the relevance and impact of archaeological research.

In this course you are introduced to the broad spectrum of applied archaeology and the interrelatedness of the different themes therein.
Through lectures and related tutorials about current issues in applied archaeology you will be confronted with the various academic and societal frameworks for present-day archaeological practice.

The course ranges from project-based field archaeology within a professional context, site and heritage management, community archaeology to contributing to debates about the global Sustainable Development Goals.

Course set-up


1. What is Applied Archaeology?
This lecture introduces the broad concept of applied archaeology: when are you applying archaeology? Is not all archaeology applied archaeology?

2. Archaeology is about heritage and site management!
In this lecture we will discuss different approaches to heritage and site management. Its’s about protection and monitoring and sustainable preservation but also about ‘living heritage’ in accordance with the Treaty of Faro.

3. The commercialisation of archaeological fieldwork!
Present-day archaeologists often execute project-based fieldwork, within a professional and commercial context. How does this affect our work? What are the pros and cons of executing fieldwork in a professional context? Is it a challenge or burden?

4. Being an ethical and professional archaeologist ‘Who owns the past’? Are archaeologists stewards of heritage? How do archaeologists deal with different memories/perceptions of conflict heritage?

5. Archaeologists as narrators: public archaeology, community archaeology and citizen science
The relation between archaeologists and ‘the public’ is changing. An important topic in this lecture is the ‘democratisation of the past’. How will this affect our work? But also: how do we reconstruct the past, who owns the past, why do we excavate?

6. Workshop Entrepreneurial Archaeology
Are archaeologists entrepreneurs? What are the opportunities for entrepreneurship (startups) in (archaeological) heritage? Can (archaeological) heritage provide a basis for social entrepreneurship?

7. The Past Matters!
The last topic is about contributing to societal issues and challenges about e.g. climate change, nature development and the Sustainable Development Goals. How can we as archaeologists contribute to this societal issues based on our knowledge of the deep past? And should we?

Course objectives

Ability to:

  • Define the field of Applied Archaeology in a global perspective;

  • Apply the methods and techniques of the Leiden/Saxion schools of field and heritage archaeology;

  • Formulate a research proposal, translate this into a feasible research approach and being able to execute this (in a professional context);

  • Be aware of the various discussions and innovations within archaeology and heritage (including technological developments and innovations) and being able to apply them;

  • Be aware of ethical issues of archaeological research and heritage management (in present-day societies);

  • Gain insight in the possibilities and opportunities of public archaeology, awareness and involvement;

  • Gain insight in the societal context of (applied) archaeology (law, spatial planning, spatial integration of archaeological sites, (project) management, policy, conservation monitoring of sites) and being able to reflect on the long-term consequences;

  • Formulate a properly argumented opinion on:
    1) the social value/benefit of archaeology in general
    2) why we excavate
    3) current societal issues;

  • Relate the different disciplines and aspects of contemporary archaeology.


  • Analysing;

  • Generating solutions;

  • Working together;

  • Oral and written communication;

  • Presenting;

  • Societal awareness;

  • Reflecting.


Course schedule details can be found in MyTimetable.
Log in with your ULCN account, and add this course using the 'Add timetable' button.

Mode of instruction

Two classes of two hours each per week (with two days in between). The first class each week consists of a formal lecture. In the second class each week an assignment will be discussed (e.g. by presentation, paper, discussion, etc.).

Assessment method

  • A pass for the first assignment. The grade is based on the next 6 group assignments (6×16,6% = 100%).

The assignments must be submitted through Turnitin.

A retake of an assignment is not possible, a fail for an assignment can be compensated by other assignments.

Assessment deadlines

All assessment deadlines (exams, retakes, paper deadlines etc.) can be found in MyTimetable.
Log in with your ULCN account, and add this course using the 'Add timetable' button. To view the assessment deadline(s), make sure to select the course with a code ending in T and/or R.

The weekly assignments have strict deadlines (two hours before the start of each tutorial) and are made in small groups.

Reading list

To be announced on Brightspace, in the study manual.


For lectures, tutorials, and exams, enrolment through MyStudymap is mandatory.
You are also required to confirm your exam in MyStudymap. No confirmation = no participation!

General information about registration can be found on the Course and Exam Enrolment page.


For more information about this course, please contact dr. R. (Richard) Jansen.


Compulsory attendance.