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Economics for Political Scientists



This course introduces students to basic economic concepts, issues and debates relevant to the study of political science.


This course will simultaneously introduce students to the basics of economics and demonstrate, with examples, the political importance of economic principles. It will explore the various ways economics helps us understand politics and how politics helps us understand how the economy works. The course will examine economic growth, inequality, trade, monetary policy, finance, business cycles, the economics of the environment, and the causes of the great recession and euro-zone debt crisis .

Learning Goals:

  1. to introduce key issues, theories, and debates in economics
  2. to apply this knowledge to understanding economic problems

Readling List:

The course will utilize two e-books both available at
1) The Economy
2) Economy, Society, and Public Policy
We will also utilize several podcasts from

Assessment Method:

Written Exam
70% Multiple Choice and 30% Open ended (Calculations, Open Ended Questions)

The time and location of inspection and debriefing of the exam will be announced via Brightspace no later than the publication of the grades.


See 'Practical Information’

Timetable - courses and exams

See 'MyTimetable'