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Advanced Japanese 2 (60EC)


Admission requirements

Students admitted to MA East Asian Studies 60ec, Japan track. Successful completion of Advanced reading & writing in Japanese (10 ec) in semester 1.


In this relatively short course, students will focus on developing skills to be able to express and discuss their professional field of study. Language activities are organized in order to develop and enhance logical thinking further. Students will also receive training in developing practical skills such as writing e-mails.

Course objectives

In addition to the development and enhancement of logical thinking, students will also receive training in developing skills necessary to both present and produce texts about specialized topics.


The timetables are available through My Timetable.

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

  • Participation element (attendance, assignments, Kanji&Vocabulary Quiz): 40%

  • Oral presentation: 20%

  • Final exams (reading & writing): 40%

The re-sit exam for the final exam is available to students whose mark of the final exam is insufficient.

Exam Review

Students may request an oral elucidation of the assessment within 30 days after publication of the grade.

Reading list

担当者作成教材(materials will be provided by the instructor)


Enrolment through MyStudyMap is mandatory.

