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Junior Research Project I


Admission requirements

Bachelor diploma Biomedical Sciences or equivalent.


The number of ECTS will be between 29.0-53.0 (dependent on specialisation)

  • Research specialization: JRP-I may be extended with a maximum of 8 credits;

  • Health specialization: JRP-I may be extended with a maximum of 8 credits;

  • Management specialization: JRP-I may be extended with the maximum of the elective area;

  • Communication specialization: JRP-I may be extended with the maximum of the elective area;

  • Education specialization: JRP-I may be extended with the maximum of the elective area.

In order to achieve the learning objectives students familiarize themselves with the existing knowledge in the field to which the research questions of their internship pertain. They carry out individual research in order to obtain answers to the research questions and participate as a member of the research team, in departmental and/or laboratory consultations and in work discussions.

Course objectives


  • gain knowledge and understanding of subject-specific aspects of the JRP I-related research field;

  • acquire and extend knowledge and understanding efficiently through study of specialist literature, thus providing a basis and opportunity for originality in developing and applying ideas;

  • know, understand and apply fit for purpose analytical, quantitative and/or statistical techniques in this research field;

  • critically analyse and consider experimental results and data from their own research and process these data;

  • estimate the value and applicability of laboratory- and/or data-based results obtained within the context of their own research;

  • think in multidisciplinary terms and make connections between their own research and research results;

  • show responsible scientific conduct through the capacity to form a balanced judgement based on consideration of relevant social, cultural, scientific or ethical aspects;

  • clearly communicate conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underlying these conclusions, to specialist audiences;

  • defend and debate their own position regarding their own research;

  • show awareness of recent and possible upcoming developments in the JRP-I related research field in discussing future research possibilities in their own research;

  • adopt a professional and critical attitude and give and receive peer review;

  • reflect on their own actions as well as on the actions and judgements of others, and assimilate these to improve their own product, approach and conduct;

  • reflect on their development and points for improvement, based on the feedback received in the midterm and final evaluations of the internship (part of Career orientation).


Not applicable.

Mode of instruction

Research internship. At the end of the internship students present and document their results in a report and an oral presentation (with guidance and corrections of the scientific supervisor(s) and participation in Communication in Science workshop(s)). Outcomes are also communicated to peer students by participation in ‘Ask your peer’ and by an oral presentation at the Biomedical Sciences Symposium in June.

Assessment method

At the end of the internship, students are assessed on the following aspects:

  • Project activities (knowledge, skills, independence, originality, scientific quality, social skills, motivation)

  • Written report (scientific content; scientific writing skills)

  • Oral presentation (content/structure, presentation skills)

Twelve weeks after the internship has begun, the project coordinator and the daily supervisor fill in the midterm assessment form (formative assessment, available on-line in Kl-app) and discuss this with the student. Together they define the students’ strong points and points for improvement. The student also provides feedback to the project coordinator/daily supervisor. The midterm assessment form is based on the final assessment form and discusses the project activities. More detailed information on the assessment can be obtained through the assessment forms available in Kl-app and Brightspace.

Reading list

Not applicable.


Not applicable.



  • Guidelines for a successful internship are provided with the application form of the internship in Kl-app and Brightspace.

  • JRP-I needs to be approved beforehand by the Master’s Internship Committee. Therefore, please send in an application form at least four weeks before the foreseen start of your project via Kl-app. JRP-I is subject to the Procedures Training Periods/Research Projects. These regulations require detailed written agreements in the application form between project coordinator and student, that specify the conditions for the Research Project. Please consult these regulations beforehand through Kl-app or Brightspace and act accordingly.

  • Please also check the following document on Brightspace: Role of ‘Communication in Science’ (CiS) during the Master’s Biomedical Sciences.