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Advanced Academic Skills and Career Orientation


Admission requirements

Master students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences.


During the Master’s programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS), students are trained to become the drug researchers of the future. To perform high-quality research, a scientist needs to master an extensive set of academic skills at an advanced level. These include e.g. good scientific practice skills, project management skills, having a constructive and critical approach to research data, academic writing skills, and advanced communication skills for delivering scientific presentations and raising questions. Also entrepreneurial competences, such as the capability to identify and exploit research innovation are valuable skills for a drug researcher. Moreover, one should develop learning skills to be able to make self-directed or autonomous conscious choices for their own professional development and preparation for a successful start of their career on the job market.

The Advanced Academic Skills and Career Orientation (AASCO) course is composed of 3 modules: 1) Advanced Academic Skills (AAS), 2) Scientific Conduct (SC), and 3) Career Orientation (CO).

This course aims to:

  • Aid the development of important competences that Master’s in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences require (e.g. academic English writing, presentation skills, critical evaluation of research results, raising questions, communication&feedback, self awareness & self regulation, networking).

  • Deepen knowledge of the Codes of Scientific Conduct and the (inter)national rules and regulations of research for good scientific practice.

  • Increase awareness of subjectivity and dilemmas in the scientific research process by reflection on and discussion of model cases and cases from the student’s own research environment.

  • Stimulate students to practice critical evaluation and discussion (in the English language) of issues that transcend bio-pharmaceutical research.

  • Introduce students to entrepreneurship to stimulate their capability to identify and exploit research innovation.

  • Learn students how to make conscience choices for their study plan in relation to personal wishes and career perspectives.

Course objectives

At the end of this course the student is able to:

  • Reflect on their knowledge and skills and formulate learning goals for further development.

  • Make conscious choices for their study plan in relation to personal wishes and career perspectives.

  • Professionally interact in a self-conscious and self-regulated manner in an academic environment.

  • Write scientific texts and deliver presentations at an advanced academic level.

  • Practice good scientific conduct and make ethical decisions for scientific integrity dilemmas.

  • Understand the nature and importance of entrepreneurship to exploit research innovation.

  • Maintain and deliver a personal development portfolio.


This course is scheduled for semester 1 and 2, period 1-4.

Parts of the course are planned during the BPS Introduction course starting in September (e.g. workshop 1a and 1b of Scientific Conduct, Academic English: proposal Introduction, and Introduction to Entrepreneurship).
The other activities can be undertaken throughout the duration of the Master programme. Students make their own planning of activities, but should adhere to deadlines for handing in their assignments.

The colloquia, symposia, conferences, and workshops as well as the deadlines for assignments are announced via the Brightspace-module of this course.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, tutorials, self-tuition, other (attendance of colloquia, conferences, symposia, workshops).

Instructions are provided via the AASCO Brightspace module.

Assessment method

Pass/no pass
Successful completion of all mandatory assignments and activities.
Portfolio has to be handed in at the end of the Master.

The portfolio has to be comprised of:

  • Scientific Conduct assignments

  • Career Orientation assignments

  • Proof of attended mandatory and elective activities

Mandatory activities include:

  • AAS - attending the lectures 'Academic English: proposal Introduction'

  • AAS - participating in the workshop 'Academic English: building up the Discussion'

  • AAS - attending 5 RP1 colloquia (divided over at least 3 LACDR divisions/MAC)

  • AAS - attending an LACDR Spring or Fall Symposium

  • AAS - participating in the workshop 'Inclusive communication and feedback'

  • CO - attending the lecture 'Introduction to Entrepreneurship'

  • CO - attending a Career Event

  • CO - attending a Career Workshop or Career College

Elective activities, adding up to at least 12 elective points, may include:

  • Attending an SBB colloquium (1 elective point; no minimum, maximum 2 points)

  • Attending an RP2 colloquium (1 elective point; no minimum, maximum 2 points)

  • Attending an additional RP1 colloquium (1 elective point; no minimum, maximum 2 points)

  • Attending a seminar or scientific (lunch) lecture organized by the LACDR or Aesculapius (1 elective point; no minimum, maximum 4 points)

  • Attending an approved scientific conference or symposium (1/2 day = 2 elective points; 1 day= 4 elective points; 2 days=8 elective points; no minimum, maximum 8 points)

  • Attending an alumni networking activity organised by Aesculapius (1 elective point, no minimum, maximum 2 points)

  • Attending and industry excursion organised by Aesculapius (2 elective points; no minimum, maximum 4 points)

  • Participating in the workshop series Entrepreneurship (12 elective points; no minimum, maximum 12 points)

  • Participating in additional Science Career Workshop or Career College (2 elective points; no minimum, maximum 6 points)

For the different activities and assignments evaluation or reflection forms are available on the AASCO Brightspace module and need to be filled out completely (and where relevant signed by the responsible LACDR staff member). Raising a question during colloquia is mandatory. All completed forms need to be added to the portfolio.

Reading list

Will be announced during the course.


Registration for the course via MyStudyMap is not needed.

Registration for the Science Career Service workshops or career colleges is mandatory via the Science Career Service Center. There is no need to register beforehand for colloquia and LACDR symposia or seminars, but make sure to fill out and have the evaluation forms for colloquia signed or sign the attendance list for symposia and seminars. For conferences a certificate of attendance should be provided.


The coordinators for this course are Prof. dr. Miranda van Eck (, Dr. Daan van der Es (, and Drs. Judith Mathijssen (


Please note that if you started your master BPS programme before September 2018, you do not need to follow this course. You need to pass the Introduction Course of 5 EC, the course Scientific Conduct (1 EC) and the course Lectures and Colloquia (1 EC). For information on these courses, look at the prospectus of 2017-2018.